PropNo IC-1165-22-0
Type of use Residential
Type of commercialization Purchase
Type of property Apartment
Kind of property Ground floor
Postcode 70327
City Stuttgart / Wangen
Country Germany
Living area 102 sqm
Number of rooms 3,5
Number of bedrooms 2
Number of bathrooms 1
Purchase price 359.000 €
External commission 3,57% (inkl. MwSt.) des beurkundeten Kaufpreises.
Property description
Energy certificate
Energy certificate in process
Energieausweis Skala Energieausweis Zeiger
3D-Rundgang zu dieser Immobilie
Your contact person
  • Ralph Goebel
Mr. Ralph Goebel
Phone +49 711 28048488
Mobile: +49 162 1500520
Contact inquiry

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